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Week 15 – Spoken words

Week 15-12 The first form which thought will find is language, or words; this determines the importance of words; they are the first manifestation of thought – the vessels in which thought is carried. They take hold of the ether and by setting it in motion reproduce the thought to others in the form of sound.

15-13 Thought may lead to action if any kind, but whatever the action, it is simply the thought attempting to express itself in visible form.


Week 14 – Goofy Thoughts

This week we had to watch movies for our weekly requirements. I watched 3 of them in a row:

First I started with Rudy then October Sky and lastly A good Lie.

I was watching Rudy alone for my wife and kids went out and that was actually a good thing for me because I cried my heart out. When they came back I told them I cried like a baby and they should watch the movie. The next day we watched the movie together and I cried like a baby again. What an awesome movie. Both my girls are in sports so Rudy was just the right movie for them.

We have just finished The Scroll Marked 3:

I persist until I succeed.

All three movies are one of the best examples of persistence that I have ever seen in a movie and the best of it all is that all tree are true stories. All tree movies had:


Rudy had a burning desire to play football at Notre Dame and nothing was going to stand in his way, not his Dad, brothers, friends, family, teachers, nobody.

Respect is earned and Rudy played with his heart, not holding back once and playing full out the whole time, getting knocked down many times but stands up every time:


Week 13 – CHRISTmas

13-intro: We have come to know that thinking is a spiritual process, that vision and imagination preceded action and event, that the day of the dreamer has come.

13-20 Father and I are one and that the Father is the Universal Mind, the Creator, the Original Substance from which all things proceed.

13-24 We have found that everything we get comes to us by the Law of Attraction.

13-27 The “I” the spirit which thinks is an integral part of the great whole, that it is the same in substance, in quality, in kind, that the Creator could create nothing different from Himself, you will also be able to say, “The Father and I are one” and you will come into understanding of the beauty, the grandeur, the transcendental opportunities which have been placed at your disposal.

Happy Birthday Jesus Christ and thank you for your spirit to live inside me so that I may discover and live this life with purpose.



Week 12 – Looking in the Mirror

Last week we had to write a one sentence DMP and stand in front on the mirror for 50 minutes while reading it aloud.

That was one of the most interesting things that I have done lately. The first few minutes was fine and then I started getting serious and looking myself straight in the eye.

Few minutes later I was pulling faces,  pumping my fist in the air, putting my hands up like in sports celebrating a touchdown and laughing at myself.
I really enjoyed it.

The last few minutes I was serious about what I was saying to myself because I know now that what you repeat will seep into your subconscious mind.

Part 12-6
But your ideal must be sharp, clear-cut, definite; to have one ideal today, another tomorrow, and a third next week, means to scatter your forces and accomplish nothing; your results will be meaningless and chaotic combination of wasted material.

The Scroll Marked 3
“I persist until I succeed”


Week 11 -Truth

These past few weeks have been an roller coaster ride of mixed emotions and believe me I don’t cry easily but these days the tears come very easy.

I had to make some serious decisions about work, were to live and what the hell do I really want in life.

My previous blog I wrote about my heart spoke and this week I realized that we all have our own truth. People have opinions about what I must do and were must I work and that is their truth, in the end the buck stops by me. I have to pay the bills at the end of the month and if I don’t do that then everything falls apart.

So I decided to look for work and plant my seed, one of my MMA friends Martin said that I must take action and that by taking action is like watering the seed and not digging it up.

On Thursday I took action and bam I have work. Action baby action.

This weeks lesson on Mark 11:24

11- 17. This conception is also elaborated by Swedenborg in his doctrine of correspondences; and a still greater teacher has said, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24) 

It is time to get back to my truth and what is God telling me to do, the wisdom and the power is in the sit (SILENCE).

9-4. I built up an affirmation for myself, taking the qualities I most needed, and affirming for myself over and over again,

“I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.”


Week 10 -Plant the seed

While reading part 10 this week I realized what my partners were saying about our business. He said to me that it feels like somebody is praying our business closed.

Part 10 intro:He thinks chiefly to justify his action. If he fails as a businessman, he says that luck is against him.

Part 10 intro:He never thinks his problem through to the end. In short, he does not know that every effect is the result of a certain definite cause, but he seeks to console himself with explanations and excuses. He thinks only in self-defence.

10-1 That there is an abundance for everyone is evident, but that many fail to participate in this abundance is also evident; they have not yet come into a realization of the Universality of all substance, and that mind is the active principle whereby we are related to the things we desire.

So in the week I decided to go and look for work and just go out and plant the seed and force myself not to dig it up again but leave it to grow.

7-26. This is a difficult problem for many; we are too anxious; we manifest anxiety, fear, distress; we want to do something; we want to help; we are like a child who has just planted a seed and every fifteen minutes goes and stirs up the earth to see if it is growing. Of course, under such circumstances, the seed will never germinate, and yet this is exactly what many of us do in the mental world.

My friend told me just to go out and speak to the people and do not judge or think what the person is going to say but have positive thoughts.

10-9. Thought is the connecting link between the Infinite and the finite, between the Universal and the individual. We have seen that there is an impassable barrier between the organic and the inorganic, and that the only way that matter can unfold is to be impregnated with life; as a seed reaches down into the mineral world and begins to unfold and reach out, the dead matter begins to live, a thousand invisible fingers begin to weave a suitable environment for the new arrival, and as the law of growth begins to take effect.

By the third interview I received an offer to start on Monday, that is without any CV, I just walked in and said to him that my friends wife spoke to his wife and she said that he is always looking for somebody. When speaking to him he said that he rarely advertises and the best salespeople are the one’s that come by referrals and prefers salespeople that has have never sold his products because then he can teach from scratch without bad habits.

10-15. The great error of the present day is the idea that Man has to originate the intelligence whereby the Infinite can proceed to bring about a specific purpose or result. Nothing of this kind is necessary; the Universal Mind can be depended upon to find the ways and means for bringing about any necessary manifestation. We must, however, create the ideal, and this ideal should be perfect.

10-16 A lack of understanding of the laws governing in the invisible world has the same result, and many are suffering the consequences all the time.

So the journey goes on

10-23. This exercise consists in making an application of your knowledge. Knowledge will not apply itself. You must make the application. Abundance will not come to you out of the sky, neither will it drop into your lap, but a conscious realization of the law of attraction and the intention to bring it into operation for a certain, definite and specific purpose, and the will to carry out this purpose will bring about the materialization of your desire by a natural law of transference. If you are in business, it will increase and develop along regular channels, possibly new or unusual channels of distribution will be opened and when the law becomes fully operative, you will find that the things
you seek are seeking you.


Week 9 – My Heart Spoke


This week I had to make a very big decision in my life and a good friend told me that he does not want to influence me, I wonder were I heard that before, and says he will pray for me for wisdom to make the right decision.

I made a decision a week ago to move to another town and province and told my family and friends that we are moving. There were lots of opinions flying around to what I must do, some said great move and some said no stay. It made me very confused to what to do.

So I went to the new town and spent some time there and tried to convince myself that this is the place to be, that my kids are going to love this place the schools are great and it is by the sea.

Day 1: was good and I had a good nights rest.

Day 2: starting to thinking differently and slept only a few hours that night.

Day 3: my heart started talking, compass.

My mind said move and my heart said no and the one thing that the MKMMA course is teaching us is to listen to your heart.

9-12 You have found that the “I” is spiritual, it must necessarily then always be no less than perfect…..

Listen to your Heart, compass and not the clock and don’t be influenced seek wisdom, Infinite intelligence.

9-15 The mechanism is perfect; it was created by the Master Architect “GOD” who “doeth all things well,” but unfortunately sometimes the operator is inexperienced or inefficient, but practice and determination will overcome this defect.

End result: I am not moving.

Shalom and keep on listening to your Heart.

Week 8 – Color’s and Shapes

This week has been a very interesting week. While I was driving around and being the observer I found and saw color’s all over the place.


This picture was taken on my way to Bushbuckridge Hospital were I was working.
My fellow Master Mind friends sent me also some pictures,


It is really amazing how things come to you when you are focusing on something.



8-26.  It  is  thus  that  you  may  weave  a  garment  of  spirit  and  power  into  the  web  of your  entire  existence;  it  is  thus  that  you  may  lead  a  charmed  life  and  be  forever protected  from  all  harm;  it  is  thus  that  you  may  become  a  positive  force  whereby conditions  of  opulence  and  harmony  may  be  attracted  to  you.

This is a amazing journey and the MKMMA is just getting more and more interesting.

Shalom my fellow Bloggers. 

Week 7 – Mental Labor

Week 7 of the Master Keys has had the biggest inpact on me so far, I had that aha moment.

7-23.  For  instance,  a  man  is  in  debt.  He  will  be  continually  thinking  about  the  debt, concentrating  on  it,  and  as  thoughts  are  causes  the  result  is  that  he  not  only fastens  the  debt  closer  to  him, but  actually  creates  more  debt. He  is  putting  the great  law  of  Attraction  into  operation  with  the  usual  and  inevitable  result  —  Loss leads  to  greater  “Loss.”

Being the observer this week with no opinions and the mental diet I have found myself doing what lesson 23 says and said to myself if that is what I am thinking of most of the time then that is what I will receive.

So I began to study lesson 7 and really put my focus on:
24.  What,  then,  is  the  correct  principle?  Concentrate  on  the  things  you  want,  not  on the  things  you  do  not  want.  Think  of  abundance;  idealize  the  methods  and  plans  for putting  the  Law  of  Abundance  into  operation.  Visualize  the  condition  which  the  Law of  Abundance  creates;  this  will  result  in  manifestation.

I must say it is a challenge for me to focus on the world within when my world without is a mess. It is a daily no hourly and sometimes a minute challange to change my thoughts to abundance.

The thing that helps me the most is when 7-23 kicks in is to take out my index cards, movie poster and read them out load and look at pictures and see myself swimming in Mauritius.


4.  This  is  another  psychological  fact  which  is  well  known,  but  unfortunately,  reading about  it  will  not  bring  about  any  result  which  you  may  have  in  mind;  it  will  not  even help  you  to  form  the  mental  image,  much  less  bring  it  into  manifestation.  Work  is necessary  –  labor,  hard  mental  labor,  the  kind  of  effort  which  so  few  are  willing  to put  forth.

I am on this amazing journey filled with emotions that erupt like a volcano every now and then, but it is ok all will work out fine because the one thing that I truly know is that:



Week 6 – Kingson

On earth I have a Father that loves me unconditionally and has a farm, when I am on the farm I am treated by the workers as the owner, because my Father owns the property I am treated with respect and as the Fathers son.

Then I have a Spiritual Father in Heaven that also loves me unconditionally and He owns the whole world, so if He is my Father then that makes me a heir of all that He owns.

14. There is a fine estate awaiting a claimant. Its broad acres, with abundant crops,
running water and fine timber, stretch away as far as the eye can see. There is a
mansion, spacious and cheerful, with rare pictures, a well-stocked library, rich
hangings, and every comfort and luxury. All the heir has to do is to assert his
heirship, take possession, and use the property. He must use it; he must not let it
decay; for use is the condition on which he holds it. To neglect it is to lose

1Ch 29:11 KJV Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.

So, all I have to do is take possession.

Week 6-14. This then is the “Temple of the living God” and the individual “I” is given control
and upon his understanding of the mechanism which is within his control will the
result depend.

6-31 They are finding that circumstances and environment follow the trend of mental and spiritual progress; they find that growth follows knowledge; action follows
inspiration; opportunity follows perception; always the spiritual first, then the
transformation into the infinite and illimitable possibilities of achievement.

That a man can change himself, improve himself, re-create himself, control his
environment, and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is
wide-awake to the power of right thought in constructive action