Week 9 – My Heart Spoke


This week I had to make a very big decision in my life and a good friend told me that he does not want to influence me, I wonder were I heard that before, and says he will pray for me for wisdom to make the right decision.

I made a decision a week ago to move to another town and province and told my family and friends that we are moving. There were lots of opinions flying around to what I must do, some said great move and some said no stay. It made me very confused to what to do.

So I went to the new town and spent some time there and tried to convince myself that this is the place to be, that my kids are going to love this place the schools are great and it is by the sea.

Day 1: was good and I had a good nights rest.

Day 2: starting to thinking differently and slept only a few hours that night.

Day 3: my heart started talking, compass.

My mind said move and my heart said no and the one thing that the MKMMA course is teaching us is to listen to your heart.

9-12 You have found that the “I” is spiritual, it must necessarily then always be no less than perfect…..

Listen to your Heart, compass and not the clock and don’t be influenced seek wisdom, Infinite intelligence.

9-15 The mechanism is perfect; it was created by the Master Architect “GOD” who “doeth all things well,” but unfortunately sometimes the operator is inexperienced or inefficient, but practice and determination will overcome this defect.

End result: I am not moving.

Shalom and keep on listening to your Heart.

10 thoughts on “Week 9 – My Heart Spoke

  1. gabemasterkey

    That just goes to show that if you’re not aligned with your feelings, you won’t be happy in a situation, even if all the right boxes are checked (schools and so on). That’s a good lesson, thanks.


  2. masterkeyrexp

    Ahhh – it is good to see that your hearing is improving! You had a difficult decision, we all have them at times and listening to your heart was a wise choice. Follow your heart, it will not lead you astray!


  3. Liane Hack

    This is absolutely beautiful Reenen. You just went there and found out for yourself. That is such a courageous move to listen to your heart but you are right, there is no duality, no argumentation, your heart is either in or out. So you’ll stick a little longer around Kruger Park, my heart could go for that too :-).

    Liked by 1 person


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