Week 7 – Mental Labor

Week 7 of the Master Keys has had the biggest inpact on me so far, I had that aha moment.

7-23.  For  instance,  a  man  is  in  debt.  He  will  be  continually  thinking  about  the  debt, concentrating  on  it,  and  as  thoughts  are  causes  the  result  is  that  he  not  only fastens  the  debt  closer  to  him, but  actually  creates  more  debt. He  is  putting  the great  law  of  Attraction  into  operation  with  the  usual  and  inevitable  result  —  Loss leads  to  greater  “Loss.”

Being the observer this week with no opinions and the mental diet I have found myself doing what lesson 23 says and said to myself if that is what I am thinking of most of the time then that is what I will receive.

So I began to study lesson 7 and really put my focus on:
24.  What,  then,  is  the  correct  principle?  Concentrate  on  the  things  you  want,  not  on the  things  you  do  not  want.  Think  of  abundance;  idealize  the  methods  and  plans  for putting  the  Law  of  Abundance  into  operation.  Visualize  the  condition  which  the  Law of  Abundance  creates;  this  will  result  in  manifestation.

I must say it is a challenge for me to focus on the world within when my world without is a mess. It is a daily no hourly and sometimes a minute challange to change my thoughts to abundance.

The thing that helps me the most is when 7-23 kicks in is to take out my index cards, movie poster and read them out load and look at pictures and see myself swimming in Mauritius.


4.  This  is  another  psychological  fact  which  is  well  known,  but  unfortunately,  reading about  it  will  not  bring  about  any  result  which  you  may  have  in  mind;  it  will  not  even help  you  to  form  the  mental  image,  much  less  bring  it  into  manifestation.  Work  is necessary  –  labor,  hard  mental  labor,  the  kind  of  effort  which  so  few  are  willing  to put  forth.

I am on this amazing journey filled with emotions that erupt like a volcano every now and then, but it is ok all will work out fine because the one thing that I truly know is that:



8 thoughts on “Week 7 – Mental Labor

  1. Liane Hack

    Beautiful and honest post. Those aha moments are the ones we need to keep on doing what we set out to do. It is perfect. (I feel like jumping into that water right through my screen).



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