Week 17 -Complete Victory

This week in my sits I found the amazing insight that I will be restored. I could not find a title for my post so I looked up what is the spiritual meaning of the number 17 and complete victory came up first. 

17-24 Intuition usually comes in the Silence; great minds seek solitude frequently; it is here that all the larger problems of life are worked out. For this reason every businessman who can afford it has a private office, where he will not be disturbed; if you cannot afford a private office you can at least find somewhere, where you can be alone a few minutes each day, to train the thought along lines which will enable you to develop that invincible power which is necessary to achieve. 

That insight gave me peace of mind that all will be ok, does not matter what is happening right now, all will be fine soon.

17-27 By keeping the thought in mind, it will gradually take tangible form. A definite purpose sets causes in motion which go out in the invisible world and find the material necessary to serve your purpose.

17-28 You may be pursuing the symbols of power, instead of power itself. You may be pursuing fame instead of honour, riches instead of wealth, position instead of servitude; in either event you will find that they turn to ashes just as you overtake them.


17-34 If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage.

17-35 If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance.

17-37 Always concentrate on the ideal as an already existing fact; this is the germ cell, the life principal which goes forth and sets on motion those causes which guide, direct and bring about the necessary relation, which eventually manifest in form.

Now for the Big question:

What in my life do I see as IDEALS and what do I see as SYMBOLS ?

I believe it is going to be an interesting week with my sits.



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